Photo by Gayane Budaghyan
The bridge of Hin Tʻaghaser
  Located 2,5 km north-west from Taghaser village, on a Parzaget seasonal creek that flows along the southern edge of Hin Taghaser settlement. The bridge connects the two sections of Hin Taghaser located on the left and right banks of Parzaget creek. It was significant for Togh, the centre of Dizak Melikdom, for surrounding villages and other southern settlements of the melikdom stretching to the Araks river valley.
  The dressing of the bridge is extremely modest. There are two ashlar stones on the left pier on the front facing the flow that carry a sculpted cross and the building inscription. "The bridge is in memory of P‘erav [P‘eri], the wife of Paghtasar the son of Hapon Ekan, [in] 1763, [for who] ask the Lord for mercy just once" («Յիշատակ է գար|մուճս Յապոն | Եկանի որդի Պաղտ| [աս]արին կողագից Փէրա|վին ՌՄԺԲ (1763)՜ ու(մ)ն / մէկ բերան Աս[տուա]ծ ողորմի»)
  The bridge is a single-span barrel bridge, built of rough stone, the arches are of ashlar. The bridge is the only mediaeval monument of Taghaser that has a preserved inscription. The mention of Melikdom of Dizak in the inscription testifies to its importance.
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Documentation and registration of monuments
The bridge of Hin Tʻaghaseṛ