Photo by Slava Sargsyan
Kʻaraglukh settlement, Kuchir shal cemetery
The cemetery is located in a forest-covered section of the area called Kuchir Shal, 1,5 km south-west from Kʻaraglukh settlement of Khoramortʻ village in Askeran region. It was not used at least from the 18th century, as the forest has covered a part of this monument group. There are no less than thirty tombstones and khachkʻars that refer to the period between the 11th and 17th centuries.

Photo by Slava Sargsyan
One part of about thirty monuments of Kuchir Shal area in Kʻaraglukh are khachkars, the others are rectangular and cradle-shaped tombstones and slab tombstones. Several months after the discovery of the monument group, the area was seized by the Azerbaijani military forces, and research activities were not possible to complete.
Fieldwork was done by the workers of the State service of historical environment conservation at the Ministry of education, science, art and sport of Artsakh Republic.
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Documentation and registration of monuments
Karaglukh [Kʻaraglukh] hamlet, Kuchir Shal cemetery
Karaglukh [Kʻaraglukh] hamlet, Kuchir shal cemetery, khachkʻar (cross-stone) № 1
Karaglukh [Kʻaraglukh] hamlet, Kuchir shal cemetery, khachkʻar (cross-stone) № 2
Karaglukh [Kʻaraglukh] hamlet, Kuchir shal cemetery, khachkʻar (cross-stone) № 3
Karaglukh [Kʻaraglukh] hamlet, Kuchir shal cemetery, khachkʻar (cross-stone) № 4
Karaglukh [Kʻaraglukh] hamlet, Kuchir shal cemetery, khachkʻar (cross-stone) № 5
Karaglukh [Kʻaraglukh] hamlet, Kuchir shal cemetery, khachkʻar (cross-stone) № 6
Karaglukh [Kʻaraglukh] hamlet, Kuchir shal cemetery, khachkʻar (cross-stone) № 7
Karaglukh [Kʻaraglukh] hamlet, Kuchir shal cemetery, khachkʻar (cross-stone) № 9
Karaglukh [Kʻaraglukh] hamlet, Kuchir shal cemetery, khachkʻar (cross-stone) № 10
Karaglukh [Kʻaraglukh] hamlet, Kuchir shal cemetery, tombstone № 1
Karaglukh [Kʻaraglukh] hamlet, Kuchir shal cemetery, tombstone № 3
Karaglukh [Kʻaraglukh] hamlet, "Kuchir Shal" cemetery, Khatchkar № 8